by Becca Kunz | Jul 4, 2016 | DIY, In the Kitchen, Projects
This recipe came from an attempt to copy a favorite cracker that we buy a lot called “Mary’s Gone Crackers”. These crackers have no flour, and only a few simple ingredients, including two super foods, quinoa and chia seeds. Wonderful with goat cheese...
by Becca Kunz | Mar 21, 2016 | DIY, DIY GIft ideas, In the Kitchen
I have been working on this recipe for a while and I finally feel like I have found a great balance of flavors. It is very mildly spicy, so my can kids eat it. This recipe makes a good quantity, you will have enough to to save in a jar for many taco nights to...
by Becca Kunz | Feb 15, 2016 | DIY, DIY GIft ideas, Holiday, In the Kitchen
Looking for DIY Valentines Day gift ideas for kids school? Make your own heart shaped marshmallows at home . . . We decided we would make these heart shaped marshmallows for Valentine’s Day this year. Did they turn out to be light and fluffy? Not exactly, but...
by Becca Kunz | Dec 6, 2015 | DIY, Gardening, In the Kitchen, Parenting, Projects, Uncategorized, Wild Things, Wildcraft
One September, when my first born was just a baby, we started noticing masses of cars parked on our roadside. Alongside the cars were people crouched under trees with buckets in hands. They seemed to be doing something very important, but a mystery to us. We came to...
by Becca Kunz | Jul 26, 2015 | DIY, In the Kitchen
This recipe will make 2 medium size pizzas, with very thin crusts. Here are the ingredients you will need for the pizza crust: 1 large head of cauliflower 2 large eggs 1/2 – 3/4 cup goat cheese (or cream cheese) 4 Tbsp parmesan cheese (optional) 3 cloves minced...
by Becca Kunz | Jul 4, 2014 | In the Kitchen
I love trying less processed, real-food versions of traditional recipes, but the rule in my kitchen is…they MUST also be yummy. If not, why bother? These pancakes are delicious and are a welcome change to old fashioned pancakes, which taste so good, but leave...