Exciting news, my friends! My artwork was featured on the set of The Curse, starring the one and only Emma Stone as Whitney and Nathan Fielder as Asher.

Spoiler Alert: In the last part of episode 10 of The Curse, “The Green Queen”, be on the lookout for my framed prints on the walls of Whitney and Asher’s home. The art is featured in the bedroom and the baby nursery, where my prints serve as visual Easter Eggs, or clues about the meaning of the show and hidden messages about the ending.

I largely work in the language of mythological symbols, but it’s fun to see my art being put to use by someone else in a representational way. This helps the viewers to make unconscious (or sometimes conscious) connections to the end scene. What a strange and surreal experience to witness my normally two-dimensional artwork placed in this moving-image television screen format in this collaborative way. I do enjoy that The Curse is speaking the same language of symbology as me.

When watching this episode, in the ending bedroom scene where Asher is stuck to the ceiling by some sort of gravitational pull, notice how the camera slowly pans up to where he is positioned. Look for my framed art with the coyote Falling Up (as described in my blog post). Then watch as they carefully pan back down, featuring my print again. This is no accident! This print not only serves as a clue to the ending but also speaks to Asher’s emotional state.

Finally, if you have now made it to Asher’s final scene, watch as he soars up first to the sky, and then hauntingly floats into space, similar to the coyote in the art print from the bedroom scene.

For better or worse, this dream-like ending scene has shaken me to the core and I don’t know that I’ll ever recover.


And, yes I agree with Esquire.com, The Curse’s season Finale “puts its hex on you”!


Stay tuned for part 2 of this discussion about The Curse with more cool facts to come about the show’s setting in my home city and state: Santa Fe, New Mexico…


My featured piece Fallen from Stars is a Monotype print with a Block Print sandwiched in between the layers, and is printed on handmade cotton paper. 

 Watch The Curse finale on Paramount Plus with your Amazon Prime subscription

Read the Reddit discussion forums about how this art was used in the finale of The Curse.



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