by Becca Kunz | Dec 15, 2017 | Art, Of the Spirit, Parenting, Uncategorized
It has been 10 years since I had a really good visit with my dear friend, my painting easel. AND, it has been 10 years since my first child was born. It’s no coincidence that my easel has been in the dusty corner of my shed for these past 10 years. In this time...
by Becca Kunz | Aug 17, 2017 | Homeschool, Of the Spirit, Parenting, Uncategorized
Sometimes I find myself wondering “how did we come to walk this path…out in these high hills, surrounded by dirt, removed from the green landscapes and comforts we grew up knowing”? My husband and I left our families some twenty years ago, left our...
by Becca Kunz | Dec 6, 2015 | DIY, Gardening, In the Kitchen, Parenting, Projects, Uncategorized, Wild Things, Wildcraft
One September, when my first born was just a baby, we started noticing masses of cars parked on our roadside. Alongside the cars were people crouched under trees with buckets in hands. They seemed to be doing something very important, but a mystery to us. We came to...
by Becca Kunz | Oct 10, 2015 | Family, Parenting
From time to time we are asked to face something unexpected. When this happens, we are often made to look at uncomfortable realities. Last week I was told that my grandmother may not live more than a few days. If I was to see her, I had to make a decision to leave...
by Becca Kunz | Jun 8, 2015 | Homeschool, Parenting
The end of our first year homeschooling, and what a year we had! Happy to say we fared well. Here, our weather tree is a symbol of our journey. We started in September with a bare tree on a very clean blackboard, which you can see on this blog post. Leaves were...
by Becca Kunz | Jan 10, 2015 | Family, Parenting, Uncategorized
My children come to me each day and hand me a rainbow. They beckon me to come. The path has been paved, they know the way. We can choose to go. The chasm of popular culture, the badlands of everything-at-our-fingertips right here and right now, is there as well, every...