by Becca Kunz | Feb 15, 2017 | Crafting, DIY, DIY GIft ideas, Holiday, Homeschool, Uncategorized, Wildcraft
Need unique DIY Valentines Day gifts for him? Easily create your own heart shaped Valentines seed bombs! These eco valentines are a fun and easy Valentines craft, and wonderful diy valentines for kids! Hey, when was the last time you heard of using a bomb for a good...
by Becca Kunz | Feb 15, 2016 | DIY, DIY GIft ideas, Holiday, In the Kitchen
Looking for DIY Valentines Day gift ideas for kids school? Make your own heart shaped marshmallows at home . . . We decided we would make these heart shaped marshmallows for Valentine’s Day this year. Did they turn out to be light and fluffy? Not exactly, but...
by Becca Kunz | Feb 1, 2016 | Family, Festivals, Holiday
PRAYER OF SAINT BRIGID Brigid of the Mantle, encompass us, Lady of the Lambs, protect us, Keeper of the Hearth, kindle us. Beneath your mantle, gather us, And restore us to memory. Mothers of our mother, Foremothers strong. Guide our hands in yours, Remind us how to...
by Becca Kunz | Apr 15, 2014 | Family, Holiday
Finally, after a long winter, signs of spring are popping up through the leafy remains of last autumn. Grass baskets have been planted with our homeschool group. Following my Mom’s tradition, the Easter Tree has been decorated, with freshly dyed eggs to add to...
by becca | Dec 25, 2012 | Crafting, Holiday, Projects
My great grandmother made each of her 14 great grandchildren a felt pieced stocking. Each one was came from a kit, but was hand stitched, embellished with beads and sequins. These served as an inspiration for my own children’s stockings. It is not my style to...
by becca | Apr 24, 2011 | Family, Holiday, Uncategorized
A tulip unfolds it’s petals The grass is sprinkled with dew We watch with hopeful eyes as sprouts push their way up through the cool earth Where does spring find its courage? Where trees...