Both arduous and thrilling, it has been quite a fun learning experience!

Cover art reveal: The Art Thieves
Written by Andrea L Rogers and published by
Levine Querido, this Young-Adult thriller is now available for
pre-order, and will be released to the public October 8th. And, what a fun experience it was to work with the
master art director, Jonathan Yamakami.

Speaking of books…
We all know that small bookstores are struggling to keep up with Amazon. And Prime free shipping is hard to beat. But, is it worth the cost of losing local bookstores?! An antidote to this problem is to shop small!
Pre-order your copy of The Art Thieves at the online IndieBound bookstore, or at our own local Santa Fe bookshop Collected Works

Along with this new chapter comes new adventures.
I am thrilled to say I am also now represented by Charlotte Wenger at the Prospect Agency. After representing myself for my first literary art job, I can fairly say this is a huge relief!
There’s nothing like a left-brained artist trying to read through legal contract lingo to make them appreciate a calm and confident professional.
Pre-order your copy of The Art Thieves at the online IndieBound bookstore, or at our own local Santa Fe bookshop Collected Works