by Becca Kunz | May 21, 2020 | Of the Spirit, Uncategorized, Wild Things
Of the evenings when I’m out on my favorite trail with my dog Nalii and we hear the coyotes start to call. They’ve been speaking to us. Sometimes their call sounds distant. Sometimes they sound like they are on our tail. Coyotes have come out for their nightly prowl....
by Becca Kunz | Oct 17, 2016 | Of the Spirit, Wild Things, Wildcraft
Pink quartz scattered at our feet, we walked up the rocky hill. Past the old tree house, criss crossing between junipers and piñons, we made our way through the golden autumn light. We had been on a hunt for piñon pine resin, or cured pine sap, found on the trunks...
by Becca Kunz | Dec 6, 2015 | DIY, Gardening, In the Kitchen, Parenting, Projects, Uncategorized, Wild Things, Wildcraft
One September, when my first born was just a baby, we started noticing masses of cars parked on our roadside. Alongside the cars were people crouched under trees with buckets in hands. They seemed to be doing something very important, but a mystery to us. We came to...