Rebecca Lee Kunz runs with myths in her ‘Story Paintings’

Rebecca Lee Kunz, an artist and citizen of the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma, creates her work using printmaking, paint, natural materials like leaves and stones, and more.

“I believe that there is one divine creative place where all humans can meet,” Kunz said. “We are all born with inherent creativity, and the more we can dwell in that place, the more we can learn and heal. When I’m in that magic space, I try to listen and take it in like a healing salve. In that place, there is nothing dividing or separating any of us from all of creation — from the animals, from each other, from stardust. It’s all there, waiting to be remembered. If we can just remember to go to that creative place, we can come up with brilliant and innovative solutions to problems such as climate change.”…

Read the whole Yale Climate Connections article here


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