Sofia with her harvest

Watching my daughter’s face light up as she pulls a carrot out of the ground, I am reminded why we keep a garden, year after year. The pride and pure joy are overflowing.
There is no greater gift I can give my children than to teach them to grow their own food, from seed, to harvest, to plate. When children learn to grown their own food, they are naturally excited by the food they grow, whether it is red or orange or green. For a child, the connection between a growing plant and the food on their plate becomes tangible. It is something they can believe in because they understand the process.

We walk through the garden together as the summer draws to an end
We harvest our last treasures
We feel the low autumn sun beating down on our faces
We are drenched in it’s warmth
I feel gratitude

The fruit on the vine glows in the afternoon heat
I feel it vibrating
How lucky we are to share in this partnership


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