Something very exciting happened-
I received my first copy of Chooch Helped in the mail!

To see this book in person on paper is nothing short of miraculous me. It’s pretty surreal to see my
long-labored handwork birthed into the world. Printed on uncoated paper, the texture and details are
authentic and raw.   

Almost two years ago I had the pleasure of meeting the author, Andrea Rogers, at Cherokee National Holiday. Since that meeting, magic has been afoot! Soon thereafter pieces fell into place for our collaboration on this children’s picture book. From the moment I read her manuscript, Chooch won my heart. I knew this was a wonderful story.

What a joy it was to translate this heartwarming
tale into imagery.

And, the team at Levine Querido publishing house truly has a gift for making books and puts artfulness at the forefront of their work. With art direction by the wonderful Joy Chu, we had a dream team.

If this wasn’t enough excitement, I recently learned that
Kirkus Reviews gave Chooch Helped a
glowing STARRED review!

“Author Rogers and illustrator Kunz, both members of the Cherokee Nation, portray Sissy’s older sisterhood with tenderness; illuminating backmatter explains the links between the story and the creators’ own heritage. The touching narrative and its universal lesson are brought to life through Kunz’s powerful images, which make stunning use of collage to illustrate the children’s rich familial and cultural webs. Readers’ hearts will be warmed by Sissy and Chooch’s relationship and by the moving representation of Cherokee traditions.”

Pre-order your copy of Chooch Helped

Stay tuned for announcements about book launch events in New Mexico and Oklahoma this fall, where Andrea and I will be reading and signing books!


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